The homebrewing talent on display at the recent Helios Homebrew 'Hop'etition was clear to see, with a huge crowd enjoying nine IPAs on offer. This was the first 'Hop'etition to set a theme for the beers being entered, the theme of course being 'IPAs'.

There were Black IPAs, some West Coast style hop bombs, a brown IPA, Rosemary double IPA, and continuously hopped double IPA.

The latter of these, created by Leon, ultimately took out the grand champion beer as judged by Helios owner Scott, and head brewer Jake. Leon's beer will eventually be brewed on the Helios kit at a later date, meaning plenty more people can try this winning recipe!

When it came to the people's choice award as voted by the audience, Bree's Black IPA took home the certificate. This was her first homebrew competition entered, and surely won't be the last.

Planning is underway for the next 'Hop'etition, so if you're a homebrewer that's keen to show off your beers to a crowd and get some feedback, keep an eye on our socials for when the next one is planned to kick off!